God, Iran, and coming War!

Prophecy Update: God, Iran, and the coming war. May 2, 2019

Students of prophecy have been generally amazed at the speed in which nations are moving into place to fulfill Biblical prophecy. The main players are Israel, Iran, Russia, Turkey, and the USA. Although the USA is not mentioned in prophecy specifically, she is playing a part in setting the stage for these things to happen. The US has destroyed the Iranian ability to fund their terrorism and it has caused Iran to become more belligerent. This current development is leading to a war in the Middle East. Eventually, the prophecies of Ezekiel 38-39 and Isaiah 17 will be fulfilled because of these developments.

Israel Hayom had this headline Sunday: Europe is burying its head in the sand.
“The jihadist war being waged by radical Islamist groups across the globe never stopped at the gates of holy sites and places of worship. Indeed, even those who worship in these places have become legitimate and convenient targets for the jihadists in the Middle East, Africa and Asia – as we learned from the recent massacre in Sri Lanka – and in recent years in Europe as well.”

Driving this hatred is the supremacist view of Islam. The plan put together by the Muslim nations to conquer the world was ratified by them in 1991. At a conference in Khartoum Sudan, 57 nations vowed to take over the world in 30 years. The ability of these nations to work together for this goal has been severely hindered by infighting. Two nations driving this vision are Iran and Turkey: Iran is ruled by the Islamist government of Ayatollah Khamenei, and Turkey is ruled by the Muslim dictator Recip Erdogan.

The 30 years are almost up and these two dictators are anxious to finish the job. Both have proposed a way that they will destroy Israel and America. According to them, the USA and Israel are major obstacles to Muslim rule of the world. Here is an article by Oilprice.com,
A New Middle East Mega-War Is Unfolding Right Before Our Eyes.
In 1991 a conference was held called the “Popular Arab and Islamic Congress” led by the late Sudanese Islamist Hassan al-Turabi. The goals of the group were this: the elimination of Israel, collapse of the United States, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the establishment of Islamic regimes in all countries with a majority of Muslims. Turkey and Iran want to accomplish these goals in the next two years.

One of the participants of the conference was Osama Bin Laden. He tried his best to destroy the USA. Bin Laden failed to destroy the US but he was not alone in this goal. Many Islamist groups are working on the same goals. The Muslim Brotherhood would be one of the main groups working on this in the USA. A congressional committee found this and reported it: The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

As many of you know, the agents of the Muslim Brotherhood are now residing in the congress. A Minnesota newspaper had this to say: “The rapid political ascent of Ilhan Omar, Omar’s victory in last month’s midterm election, influential voices in the oil-rich Middle Eastern country (Saudi Arabia) have taken to social media and newspaper op-ed pages to attack her and fellow congresswoman-to-be Rashida Tlaib of Michigan — the other “first” Muslim woman set to serve in Congress — as rising enemies of Saudi Arabia, and as subversive agents of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist political organization.”

Along with Omar and Tlaib you can add the Ocasio gal from New York. Speaking of New York, the Islamist groups have spoken openly of their desire to bring down the Freedom Tower in New York. They are obsessed with destruction! In the article, you can see the division in the Islamic world. Both Erdogan and Khamenei think that they can unite the Islamic world to finish the job so to speak without the Saudi’s. Their hatred of Saudi Arabia drives the infighting. So far, God has prevented them from accomplishing their goals.

Iran published another document on how they can finish the job. (there have been several which I have catalogued the past few years) They are already signaling their agents in Europe to attack churches. This will be coming to the United States. Here is some of the info on their plans: With momentous changes unfolding throughout the greater Middle East, Tehran in early April 2019 made a major decision to consider escalation of the protracted wars-by-proxy with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States (in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan-Pakistan, etc.) into a direct confrontation aimed to destroy the House of al-Sa’ud. The current circumstances in the greater Middle East make such a bold move likely to succeed.

So we see that Iran is committed to going to war. This war will be waged with the help of Turkey:
“Iran is leading a new bloc, with Turkey and Qatar, intent on remaking the greater Middle East. The Iranian leadership recognizes that this drive might lead to a regional war and is actively preparing for such an eventuality.”

Turkey also has asked the Muslim nations to sign on to a plan to raise an Islamic army that can overrun Israel. They, like the Iranians are obsessed with destroying Israel and killing all of the Jews. Here is where God has entered the picture and has frustrated their plans. In the middle of March, the Iranian leadership asked all Iranians to call down curses on Israel, USA, and Saudi Arabia. What happened?
God said that if you curse Israel you will be cursed, check out this headline that happened right after Iran cursed Israel: Iran is facing the worst locust attack in the past 40 years: Biblical invasion threatens crops and food security.
And not only that, God sent the worst flooding in their history: Flooding Displaces Tens of Thousands in Iran. And More Rain Is Forecast. April 7, 2019

Iran is cursed and good luck with ever being successful in war. God already promised that Iran will be destroyed in Ezekiel 38-39. Why they defy God and worship false gods is beyond me, they have been shown time and time again that Israel is blessed of God. When Iran teaches its people that its highest aspiration is the destruction of Israel and the USA, are not these leaders Satanic? One hundred thousand homes were destroyed in the floods. The locust plague came on Passover, listen to this article: On Passover eve, Iran hit with a plague of locusts. The locusts destroyed 100,000 acres of crops.

Today is May 2nd and it is the day that the USA cut off all Iranian oil exports. Sanctions will happen to every country of the world who tries to do business with Iran. The promise is that Saudi Arabia and the USA will fill any amount of oil the nations need. The nations were warned one year ago that this will happen. The weird thing is that this is all happening at the same time as:
Venezuela is melting down with riots and a battle for the government.
Riots in Paris that are ongoing, real problems in Europe.
Iran warns to cut off the Strait of Hormuz. This will cause war for sure.
Anti-Semitic behavior is on the rise. San Diego had a Synagogue attacked.
New York Times had to apologize for two anti-Semitic comics.
New York Times supporting Muslim Brotherhood against Pres. Trump move to add terrorist designation on the Brotherhood.

As Israel mourns the Holocaust this week the UN comes against them. Here is a headline from the Jerusalem Post today: BIBLE IS JEWISH DEED TO LAND OF ISRAEL, SETTLEMENT ENVOY TELLS UNSC. In an unusual speech, Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon defended the Jewish right to the Land of Israel, including the West Bank settlements when he addressed the United Nations Security Council on Monday afternoon. The international community holds that Israel’s presence in the West Bank is illegal.

After God gives back the land of Judea Samaria to Israel, He will give back the Sinai Peninsula. This is happening in our day and Satan is using Iran to make war. They have fought Israel and the US for many years, it is about to get more intense over the next few weeks. Start Praying!

2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” I want God to heal America. In order to do that we need to repent of our sins and stand with Israel. We are standing with Israel but there is still a lot of rebellion against God and His ways! When America faces war, we must pray that God will help us stand for the truth. Today is the National Day of Prayer, I am so happy we pray as a nation. Lets trust God to send revival!!

2 thoughts on “God, Iran, and coming War!

  1. Thank you for writing this blog. As a fellow eschatology enthusiast, and one who Kong’s for the return of her King, I look forward to your studies each week.

    “Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus.”


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